Meet our cats
We have lots of cats that would love to become a part of your family. Take a look below and change a cat’s life now.
Our Adoption Process
For those people that are wanting to get in touch regards adoption can you please send us a personal statement, either through our Facebook page, our adoption form or by email at
The statement is to help us build a picture of you, the home and the circumstances one of our kitties could become part of.. include things like: Rent or own property inc. size and type, Work/ education status inc. hours etc, Family members inc children’s ages, Other pets/ had pets before inc name of vet use/used, Experience of having cats…. Please don’t limit your statement to the above points – this statement needs to reflect you so we can match the right kitty.
We will then get in touch and let you know if and who we have available.
All our cats are spayed/neutered, fully vaccinated, microchipped, and screened for FIV/FELV (directly or indirectly depending if it’s nursing kittens). They all receive regular flea and worm treatment and all the vet care that is required while with us.
We ask for a minimum donation of £80 to help fund the next kitty we help.
If you are wanting a kitten please be aware of our two kitten policy details. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Once you have been approved with home check, you can reserve a cat. Our reservation fee is a minimum of £40 per cat and is used as part of the payment for adoption. This is non-refundable.
Many Thanks
TeamC4C x
Please note our minimum donation charge is £80 per cat/kitten. We do not make a profit and we want to keep the fee as low as possible. Reservation and adoption donations are non refundable