Found or lost
We have all the advice you could need to help your lost cat, or a cat you think is in need.
What to do if you have found a cat?
If you have found a cat that you believe is lost, take a look at our tips below, to give you the best chance to get the cat home.
Advice if you have found a cat
Here are our top tips if you have found a lost cat.

Put a paper collar on the cat
Place a paper collar around the cat’s neck and on it write, ‘if this is your cat please call: (telephone number)’. This will let you know if the cat does have an owner locally.

Check for a chip
If you are able to pick up the cat, the best thing to do is t0 take it to the vet or rescue centre and have it scanned for a microchip.

Contact local vets
Often, when people lose a cat, they will call their local vet and report it missing. By contacting vets, you will be alerted to anyone near you who has lost their cat.

Put the cat on Facebook
Social media is now becoming an extremely useful tool to help people find their lost cats. By posting in local community groups, or looking for posts others may have made, often cats will get home safe.

Put posters up
Place posters in any local places of interest. By including a photo (if possible) a brief description of the cat, the location it was found in and your telephone number, it helps spread awareness.

Contact local rescue centres
This is another place people will often contact when they have lost their pet. Many will keep a database of lost and found cats in the local area, allowing the cat to get back to their owner.
What to do if you couldn’t find the owner
If these tips aren’t working and you still haven’t found the owner, please get in touch and let us know.
What to do if you have lost your cat?
If you have lost your cat, firstly try not to panic. We have a whole range of tips listed below to assist you in getting your cat home safe.
Advice if you have lost your cat
Here are our top tips if you have lost your cat.

Check with your neighbours
By making small flyers and posting them to people living near you, it alerts neighbours to be on the lookout. Ask them to check sheds and garages, as these are places cats will often take shelter in.

Use Facebook and create posters
Using social media and creating physical posters are both useful tools for getting your cat home. By posting in local groups, or putting posters up in local places of interest, it can alert a large number of people to your missing group quickly.

Contact local vets, rescue centres and
local environmental services department.
These are all extremely useful for getting your cat home. Often, they will keep a database of any cats reported missing, found or any animals found dead at the roadside. This is sometimes unpleasant, but can help with uncertainty.

Inform the microchip company
If your cat is microchipped, let the company you used know he is missing. As well as this, make sure they have your current email, phone number and address.

Leave food and/or familiar smells out
Cats can use their extremely good sense of smell to find their way home. By leaving food, unwashed clothes, their litter tray or unwashed bedding outside, you can help them recognise where you are.

Prop open magnet controlled cat flaps
If your cat uses a magnetic collar to allow them to use their cat flap, make sure to leave the flap propped open. Your cat may have lost their collar, so by leaving the flap open, they will still be able to get home.
Have a look at our strays
Have a look through our stray cats here, your cat may have been found and be listed there. However, if this is not the case, please stay positive and keep on searching for your cat.